Wednesday, July 29, 2009

time to heal

Last December I hurt my big toe. it has been blood shot and blue for all these 7 months. it went through all the different stages of sensation- first it was painful, then it was ticklish and tingling, then it was numb and then it started growing like a normal nail with a not so great nail colour shade.
the story of the night I got hurt is another one- had spent some very good time with friends; we all laugh at ourselves when we remember that night even though we have some additions to that category of anecdotes now.
but coming back to the nail. after 3 months of growing slowly, it is nearing the time when it finally comes off. it is going to be a painful process and i can already feel the reverse trend in sensation backwards from growth. I'm just scared that i don't accidentally hurt myself and give my poor toenail an early death.

Funnily, most things/people/incidents in life also go through the same process before they are wiped out of our memory (unless they are ripped and thrown out of your system forcibly-which I am thankful has not been the case with my nail. not that i could'nt bear the pain, but i like to be reminded of the good times that hurt it). maybe we don't have the capacity to remember each and everyone of them and so we are meant to forget them, move on and get hurt at other places to have new memories. maybe next time i'll try not to hurt my toenail. it did heal very quickly :)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

sweet rain

and so it finally rained here in Jodhpur.
it was wonderful, good rain with strong winds. much needed to cool down temperatures.
the earth gulped water in large amounts and the trees were a brighter shade of green.

it rained for about half hour in the early evening and as soon as the clouds parted for a few inches, the western clouds rushed westwards as if they were late for an appointment. i guess they had one at Jaisalmer.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

waiting for rain

July 15th is the day when it rains in Jodhpur. At least i remember it that way. for a few consecutive years when i was in school, monsoons reached Jodhpur on the 15th of july and we would have our first light rain, followed by a day of heavy rains in the next few days.
today it has not rained. i waited patiently the whole day. it was sweltering hot, it did get a little pleasant in the evening and there were clouds, but it has not rained yet.
i really dont ask for a lot, just a little bit of rain :(

monsoons had reached mumbai long back, so i am wondering where the clouds got stuck. it isnt a long way. i was in Mumbai recently and there were rains. i got drenched and quite liked it. I was in south Mumbai and did not know the way to reach churchgate station. so i asked 2 people if they knew the way and they offered to lead me as they were also going the same way.
i guess this happens only in Mumbai. complete strangers help you, sometimes even out of their way. it was fun to walk with them, listening to their office gossip, even though i could'nt make anything out of it. it was nice to be helped, knowing i could find my own way even if they were not there.
the rains felt great that day!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

mind loss

I have to be the dumbest twit on this planet. I have this tendency to keep important things so safely that i myself forget where i keep them and then keep searching for them like crazy. Obviously this searching happens when i am in dire need of these things(most frequently documents) and when i cannot find them i have to do procedures to get copies and duplicates which is even more irritating sometimes impossible.
the first question people ask is how did you lose these documents? there are things in this world that you just lose and there is no explanation for it. explanations are possible only when u have been in unfortunate (maybe funny) accidents of sorts. but sadly, this is never the case with me. i simply forget where i keep my important sheets of paper even though i know they are supremely important.
i wish life were like a treasure hunt game with clues to what you're looking for or with detectors in your mind which would sound louder if you're closer to your coveted object. but again, we have to remember where we keep things and then forget them to make life miserable.

i do not know how to overcome this problem. i do not want to give my responsibilities to others even though i know they would be much more efficient at it.
for the time being i just hope i find these set of documents that i need.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Bye Bye Bangalore

the last one week has been a good bye process to the city of Bangalore. I was there for 13 and a half months working at a very cool place doing this and that. time flew by as it always does and before i knew it i had to leave the place so that i can go and study at a foreign university. Even though i dint stay much at the city it was always a good feeling to come back from my travels. there was a hidden satisfaction in the growl, "back to the grind!!!"
why? i dont really know. before i cam to Bangalore i knew only one person there-my friend from Ajmer- who had also started studying at the same time i joined my job. When i left I had increased that number to 4-5 and some really good acquaintances. Now i truly feel that a place is what u make of it. the choice lies within you.
I will miss Bangalore. I will miss the long walks in the cool breeze with a heavy laptop bag, waiting for an auto to stop and agree to take you to your destination (we shall delve in this matter a little later). I will miss the hours of reading novels sitting at coffee shops (esp. the one on MG road) and 'whiling away time measured in coffee mugs'. I will miss head-banging and singing at the top of my voice at my 2 favorite pubs in the city. I will miss laughing at long queues of people outside movie halls on weekends. I will miss going for a ride in the airport bus just for heck of it. I will miss discussing work related issues over breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner, drinks and late night snacks--and having idealistic chats. I will miss having Gmail and Skype group chats with people sitting in the same room and building (and 5 people in the same room laughing out loud suddenly). i will miss the deserted brigade road on weekdays. i will miss the all-english-song radio channel. i will miss making fun of friends, who by the way are a fabulous set of people :)
I will miss the kitten i nearly adopted (i might even miss the dumb dog at my PG--just might). I will miss the starlets at my PG (we had some really fun times commenting on soap operas that i was really disgusted with, but had to put up with sometimes)
the list would go on and on. so all in all i will miss the place and the people that made it memorable.